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Hepatitis and Harm Reduction Program
The Hepatitis and Harm Reduction Program works to prevent, identify, and treat cases of Hepatitis C by providing client-centered services and care in a culturally respectful manner.
- Offering new and sterile substance use equipment including injection, inhalation, and smoking supplies to reduce sharing and re-use
- No cost testing and linkage to care for individuals who test positive for Hep C
- Education and resources on ways to prevent transmission and reduce other associated risks
- Client support in navigation of Hep C treatment and services
Hepatitis C can be a tricky virus to catch, as people often attribute the symptoms to other illnesses. Sometimes people can have Hepatitis C for years without any symptoms or discomfort, however, chronic Hep C can lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. Symptoms for Hepatitis C can include:
- Brain fog
- Fatigue
- Yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice)
- Stomach pain
- Joint pain
- Nausea
Project HEAT
Project HEAT (Hepatitis Elimination Access to Treatment) is a program through NMHealth that allows for New Mexico residents to receive up to six months of comprehensive health coverage at no-cost. This program is for individuals who otherwise have no other access to insurance. For enrollment and/or questions, please email Qualifying circumstances for anyone considered to be uninsurable:
- Individuals who are in between enrollment periods.
- Undocumented individuals who cannot access insurance.
- Individuals who insurance plan does not cover Hepatitis C treatment.
The Facts on Treatment
- 95% cure rate for patients who adhere to their treatment.
- New treatments require fewer overall doctor visits compared to previous treatments.
- New Hep C medications have few, if any, side effects for patients.
- Patients who adhere to their treatment regimen can be cured in 8-12 weeks.
- Treatment is safe.
How to Prevent Hepatitis C
- Engage in harm reduction services if using substances.
- Don’t share personal care items such as toothbrushes or items with razors.
- Check for sterile equipment wherever syringes or needles may be present.
- Only get tattoos or piercings from licensed professionals using sterile equipment.
- Practice safe and responsible sex.